Pastoral care and guidance to support students in their studies is an essential part of Tuakau College.
This is completed through a variety of avenues to ensure a student’s wellbeing is monitored and to put in place appropriate measures to minimise any negative influences. Below are some of the pastoral care and guidance support systems we have in place.
Guidance Counsellor
Tuakau College has a Guidance Counsellor, Mr Paul Heta. He is trained to assist with personal, career, social, academic and behavioural problems, by appointment. He can be contacted via email ( or by phoning 09 236 8521 extension 143.
School Nurse
Injured or sick students are cared for by the School Nurse. In an emergency, parents will be contacted as soon as possible, and if immediate attention is required the student will be transported to the nearest medical centre. The Nurse runs the school’s Health centre located at the Student Centre.

An effective Behaviour Management system
The discipline system is fair and applied consistently throughout the school. The laws of natural justice are applied. We make NO excuses for being tough on certain misbehaviours which affect the teaching and learning of staff and students. Discipline is the responsibility of all teaching staff.
Senior Management and Leadership team
The senior management and leadership team is available to talk to parents and caregivers about school issues. Please phone the school to make an appointment with any of the Senior Leadership team.